Fresh Start Dear God, Grant me the serenity to accept the things I can't change, the courage to change the things I can and wisdom to know the difference آخرین مطالب
1- یعنی رزرو شده، گرفته شده، خریده شده
Describes something that is not available because someone has already bought or asked for it
Example: Most of the best paintings were already spoken for
2- معنی دوم این اصطلاج که قدیما بیشتر رواج داشته کسی رو توصیف می کنه که دیگه رابطه رومانتیکی با کسی برقرار نمیکنه چون با یکی دیگه است و قولش رو به کسی دادن !
Describes someone who is not available for a romantic relationship because they are already having one with someone else
Example: Both girls were spoken for نظرات شما عزیزان: fm
ساعت15:16---18 آبان 1393
salam khanooooom khubin? ^_^
fm hastam shenakhtin? o.O webetooon mahshare <3 پاسخ: Hi, yeah, I realized u. So kind of u. Waiting 4 u again پيوندها
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