Fresh Start
Dear God, Grant me the serenity to accept the things I can't change, the courage to change the things I can and wisdom to know the difference
دو شنبه 7 مهر 1393برچسب:, :: 22:33 :: نويسنده : Kobra


I wish I were you,i

I could think what you think,i

I could feel what you feel,i

I could move to where you move.i

We were incorporated into a being,i

Like two hues were mixed into one color,i

Splashed on the canvas.i

Like notes were composed into a melody,i

Displaying our chapter.i

We were transformed into a soul,i

Floating around within our dimensions.i

Time, space, distance were longer a pronoun of shackles,i




We were inseparable.i

Let the sun never come out.i

Let the flowers never blossom again,i

Let the wind never blow in.i

Never let my love die away,i

I wish I were you...i
پنج شنبه 3 مهر 1393برچسب:, :: 8:41 :: نويسنده : Kobra


A little boy asked his mother, "Why are you crying?" "Because I'm a woman," she told him.r

"I don't understand," he said. His Mom just hugged him and said, "And you never will."s

Later the little boy asked his father, "Why does mother seem to cry for no reason?" s

"All women cry for no reason," was all his dad could say.s

The little boy grew up and became a man, still wondering why women cry. s

Finally he put in a call to God. When God got on the phone, he asked, "God, why do women cry so easily?"s

God said: s

"When I made the woman she had to be special. s

I made her shoulders strong enough to carry the weight of the world,s

yet gentle enough to give comfort.s

I gave her an inner strength to endure childbirth and the rejection that many times comes from her children.s

I gave her a hardness that allows her to keep going when everyone else gives up, and take care of her family through sickness and fatigue without complaining.s

I gave her the sensitivity to love her children under any and all circumstances, even when her child has hurt her very badly.s

I gave her strength to carry her husband through his faults and fashioned her from his rib to protect his heart. s

I gave her wisdom to know that a good husband never hurts his wife, but sometimes tests her strengths and her resolve to stand beside him unfalteringly. s

And finally, I gave her a tear to shed. This is hers exclusively to use whenever it is needed."s

"You see my son," said God, "the beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries, or the way she combs her hair. s

The beauty of a woman must be seen in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart - the place where love resides."
چهار شنبه 26 شهريور 1393برچسب:, :: 8:51 :: نويسنده : Kobra



 بوی ماه مهر                            

باز آمد بوی ماه مدرسه          بوی بازی های راه مدرسه

بوی ماه مهر، ماه مهربان          بوی خورشید پگاه مدرسه

از میان کوچه های خستگی          می گریزم در پناه مدرسه

باز می بینم ز شوق بچه ها          اشتیاقی در نگاه مدرسه

زنگ تفریح و هیاهوی نشاط         خنده های قاه قاه مدرسه

باز بوی باغ را خواهم شنید          از سرود صبحگاه مدرسه

روز اول لاله ای خواهم کشید         سرخ، بر تخته سیاه مدرسه


School days, School days, Dear old golden rule days...

  I can't believe it's getting to that time again! I always loved going back to school. There is nothing quite like a brand spanking new backpack, squeaky clean and full of pristine school supplies- the blank notebook pages representing a fresh start with a new teacher, new classmates, and a history yet unwritten. Nothing can give you the joy of the shopping trip to lay in new shoes and clothes for the upcoming year!

 Since I'm a teacher, I havn't had to give up that back-to-school excitement.{#emotions_dlg.tongue_out} Happy old days!!! I still can't believe that I used to walk to school by myself in kindergarten! Whenever I see my school, I trace the three or four blocks I used to tread to school each morning. Would that, we could still allow our kids the safety and confidence I knew each morning when I was 6 turning to 7.

  I always got insomnia the night before the first day just as I do right now, so the first day of school I was always walking around in a haze. I had that jittery feeling in my stomach, wondering if I would get a sweet teacher or a mean teacher, and who would be in my class. I looked forward to the break time to have my snack with my friends, which I guess is the reason why I still enjoy breaks{#emotions_dlg.wink}. My mother always put a " first-day" treat in my bag rolled in a plastic bag, which I couldn't open until school was out and it was always something good, cheese sandwich{}!

  I still remember the smell of the purple copy on the handouts, pounding the chalk out of the erasers and thinking that it was a privilege when I got picked to do it. A freshly sharpened brand new pencil- to this day, it is hard for me to write with a mechanical pencilلبخند!!! Mum putting my hair in pigtails high on my head and me pulling them down as soon as I was out of view if I didn't take them out completely{}...

  Yeah, different times yet almost mutual feelings!!!

Nothing says fresh start or new beginnings like a blank notebook!  May all the pages of your notebooks remind you a great and successful school year when it is done!

چهار شنبه 26 شهريور 1393برچسب:, :: 8:34 :: نويسنده : Kobra





غرورت را نشکن...

نرو ... صبر کن ... این آخرش نیست...


( فقط ، یک چیز را بدان )
تــــــو چیزی داری که نامش "دل" است...

 وقتی بدانی یکی نیازش "تو" ست...

همه ی وجودت را می شکنی تا غروری را حفظ کنی...

اگر نتوانستی ، اگر نشد ، اگر نخواستی...



بزن دلت را بشکن...

 این  "دل" را دیگر قیمتی نیست...



هیــــــــــــچ قیمتی...
دو شنبه 17 شهريور 1393برچسب:, :: 1:48 :: نويسنده : Kobra


[تصویر:  spoken_for.jpg]


1- یعنی رزرو شده، گرفته شده، خریده شده
Describes something that is not available because someone has already bought or asked for it
Example: Most of the best paintings were already spoken for

2- معنی دوم این اصطلاج که قدیما بیشتر رواج داشته کسی رو توصیف می کنه که دیگه رابطه رومانتیکی با کسی برقرار نمیکنه چون با یکی دیگه است و قولش رو به کسی دادن ! 

 Describes someone who is not available for a romantic relationship because they are already having one with someone else
Example: Both girls were spoken for
دو شنبه 17 شهريور 1393برچسب:, :: 1:18 :: نويسنده : Kobra



The fat is in the fire

کار از کار گذشتن

When cooking took place over open fires, the fat from spit-roasted meat was collected for basting or subsequent use. The loss of the fat into the fire was wasteful and too much fat could cause a conflagration, as could an overheated pan containing fat. For whichever reason, too much fat in the fire was a bad thing. In its earliest use in the 14th century, the expression had to do with failure; only later did it come to imply , as it now does, a crisis or " Something has been done with damaging consequences"i

We implored him to desist, but he said that the fat was already in the fire.i
دو شنبه 16 شهريور 1393برچسب:, :: 23:40 :: نويسنده : Kobra



Have Two strings to one's bow

دو تیر در ترکش داشتن-کار از محکم کاری عیب نمیکنه

you have more than one skill or qualification so that if your first one fails, you can make use of the other one. The bow is sth that you shoot arrows from; the metaphore simply means that you have a spare bowstring, so even if the first one breaks, you have one in reserve and can still shoot your bow.i

The salesman had two strings to his bow- if a phone call didn't get results, he would appear in person.i
شنبه 15 شهريور 1393برچسب:, :: 17:6 :: نويسنده : Kobra

Another poem from Mrs. Jabbari

گفتگوی میان مردگان و زندگان ( in three lgs)                          

Live: Thou, who have gone so fast      ایللردی کی توپراقداکی آرام یاتانا چوخلی سوزوم وار

در شگفتم از شما که به چه شتاب رفتید

Why on earth thou didn't last       حیرتده یم آخر نه قدر اوندا دوزوم وار

از چه رو با مرگ هم آغوش شدید

What did thou get from the earth            نئجه وارلیخدان ال اوزماخ نئجه گتماخ

باز گویید از ره توشه تان

What did thou do since the birth        نگران گوزلری آخر نئجه توپراقینان اوتماخ

از گذر عمرتان

Dead: We were just like a river             بیر عومور تکجه بیرآرام سو کیمی داغلار آشیردیخ

جویباری بودیم

Not still, but travel                    اما دوزماخ نان یورولماخ تانیمیردیخ

بیگانه با خاموش و سکون

Like a watchful primrose                نگران نرگسه تک  تکجه افقنان تانیشیردیخ

و به سان نرگس همیشه نگران

Beholding of life shadows                 بئله اولدی کی سحرلر گونشیله دانیشیردیخ

تنها نظاره گر سایه ای از زندگی بودیم

We were just a little dust                 بیر سیخیم توپراقیدیخ نفسه حق دن اویاندیخ

ذره ای ناچیز از خاک بودیم

Not problem if it bust                        بیر عومور ذللتیله یئرده دایاندیخ

که بودو نبود آن توفیری نداشت

The path was a long way                             یول اوزون گتماغا جان یوخ

رهگذر جاده ای بی انتها بودیم

But the time was just a day                               عومور آز صبره امان یوخ

ولی فرصت تنها از طلوعی بود تا غروبی

Now the night is on the way                         عاقبت حسرتیله توپراقا باتدیخ

حالا که شب در راه است

And I envy the whole day                      دنیانین آرزولارین داشینی آتدیخ

من هنوز در حسرت لحظه لحظه روز می سوزم

Though I have got the rest                   گئجه ظلمت لئچکین باشینا آتدی

گرچه آرام یافته و با خاک هم آغوشیم

The tomb is my dream's nest                     آرزولار توپراقینان قول قولا چاتدی

گور من نه مدفن تن من که مدفن آرزوهای من است


 published by permission
شنبه 15 شهريور 1393برچسب:, :: 17:3 :: نويسنده : Kobra


What's happiness ( Agreat poem from Mrs. Jabbari)   q

خوشبختی چیست

  One says happiness is being under no bond        یکی می گوید "خوشبختی یعنی آزادی از هر قیدو بند"

Another says "It's just a mirage or a sweet dream"i  دیگری می گوید: "خوشبختی سراب یا رویایی شیرین بیش نیست

Or it's an abstract context with no similarity in the world   یا خوشبختی مفهومی ذهنی است که هیچ عینیتی در دنیا نمی یابد

But is happiness really a sun with no rising      اما آیا واقعا خوشبختی خورشیدی است که هیچ وقت طلوع نمی کند

or a horizon which is beautiful but unaccessible?i      یا افقی زیباست اما دست نیافتنی؟                      

Is it like zephyr , scented but ephemeral?i            آیا آن واقعا مثل نسیم معطر و گذراست                  

It is really a white swan whose nest is no where?i?  یا چوت قوی سپیدی است که هیچ کجا آشیان نمی کند؟

No, I beleive happiness is a white dove that has nest in honesties' alter نه من ایمان دارم خوشتختی کبوتر سفیدی است که در محراب صداقتها آشیان دارد

And a gift, when and where you love people, may you enjoy this granting  و هدیه ای است که هر موقع و هر جا مردم را دوست بداری ارزانی توست

I beleive happiness is a share, a share of life; so  ایمان دارم خوشبختی تنها تقسیمی است تقسیمی از زندگی پس:

Shall we share the world          بیا دنیا را میان خود تقسیم کنیم

Vale be mine              دره مال من     

Hill be thine               کوه را تو بردار

Let's range like floods              مثل سیلها بخروشیم

Stream be mine                  رود مال من

Sea be thine              دریا مال تو 

As we are close               ما که مثل چشم و ابرو

Just like eyes and eyebrows                       کنار هم هستیم

Tears be mine           اشکها مال من

Eyes be thine            چشمها مال تو

Let's hold dear nights and days              شبها و روزها را گرامی بداریم

Sun be thine                        خورشید مال تو

Moon be mine                  ماه مال من

I share the world with thee                   من دنیا را با تو شریکم

Without us there is no laughter                    بی ما نه زمستان را خنده ای است

For spring or winter                         و نه بهار را

We can share all we have in life               در زندگی همه چیز را می توانیم تقسیم کنیم

But we have a love                      عشقی داریم اما

Undevidable                تقسیم ناپذیر      
جمعه 14 شهريور 1393برچسب:, :: 1:12 :: نويسنده : Kobra


i-How do you keep a rhinoceros from charging?i

i-Take away his credit cards!i

To charge means "to rush at someone or something to attack it." To charge something also means to pay for an item by using a credit card.i

a) I heard you went on a safari. How did it go?i

b) Great! But we had a scare- out of nowhere, a huge tiger came charging at us. Thank heaven we were able to scare him off with rifle shots!i

a) That sounds exciting. Tell me, was the trip expensive?i

b) It certainly was. I had to charge the plane tickets to my credit card. It will take me months to pay off! But it was worth it.i

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