Fresh Start Dear God, Grant me the serenity to accept the things I can't change, the courage to change the things I can and wisdom to know the difference آخرین مطالب
Prefer is one of the verbs that we frequently use in every day conversation;however, with different sentences you should use different forms a) afterpreferyou can use either infinitive or gerund without any difference in meaning e.g. I prefer to continue my education in Iran or I prefer continuing my education in Iran b) if there is an object after prefer, you cannot use gerund. In that case you must use an infinitive e.g. I prefer youto instalthe computer. Not installing c) when you prefer something to something, you should use gerund in both cases e.g. I prefer cycling to swimming kobra.seyedtajadini@gmail.comچهار شنبه 29 مرداد 1393برچسب:, :: 1:7 :: نويسنده : Kobra
Q: Which one is faster, cold or heat? i A: Heat; you can catch cold Q: What did they award the man that invented the door knocker? i A:The No-bell prize Q: What always falls without getting hurt? i A:Rain Q:What word is always pronounced wrong ? i A: Wrong Q: What is full of holes yet can still hold water? i A:A sponge Q: What is worse than finding a grub in your apple? i A: Finding a half grub kobra.seyedtajadini@gmail.comچهار شنبه 29 مرداد 1393برچسب:, :: 1:3 :: نويسنده : Kobra
All of us are getting ready for the exams these days. These are some advices in order to be successful not only at school but also in your whole life Plan while others are playing Study while others are sleeping Decide while others are delaying Prepare while others are daydreaming work while others are wishing Save while others are wasting listen while others are talking smile while others are frowning persist while others are quitting kobra.seyedtajadini@gmail.comLife is the hound Equivocal Comes at a bound To tear me or be friend I cannot say its intent Till it has jumped over my hands With teeth or tongue Mean while I stand And wait the event kobra.seyedtajadini@gmail.comTo be in hot water: To be in trouble
not sleep a wink ( also not get a wink of sleep ) = to not sleep at all
Example: I didn't sleep a wink last night with all that noise
دو شنبه 25 آذر 1392برچسب:, :: 22:1 :: نويسنده : Kobra
قوانین مربوط به جمع بستن اسم ها در انگليسي
اسمهاي مختوم به s – sh – ch –x – z – ss را بوسيله es به جمع تبديل مي كنيم یک شنبه 10 آذر 1392برچسب:, :: 20:55 :: نويسنده : Kobra
سوار شدن: To get in / To get on To get in is used for cars; To get on is used for all other forms of transportation. m It's easiest to get in the car from the driver's side. The door on the other side doesn't work well. m I always get on the bus to work. m پیاده شدن : To get out of / To get off To get out of is used for caers; To get off is used for all other forms of transportation. m Why don't we stop and get out of the car for a while? k Helen got off the train in the 42nd Street terminal. m kobra.seyedtajadini@gmail.comاصطلاح عامیانه fishy یعنی داری مشکوک میزنی kobra.seyedtajadini@gmail.comپيوندها
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